Wednesday, January 29, 2014

MAC Pro-long wear Concealer review

The concealer does last a miraculous twelve hours, though, without creasing or budging. It conceals good.
It has a creamy feel., and it’s not too thick–there’s a good consistency to it.

This concealer covers everything!!!! It stays all day. It's very lightweight and it looks natural.

All in all, this concealer does last all day long for me. It doesn’t crease later on during the day, and this is a big deal for a lot of us.
 I liked using a flat concealer brush like the 195 for application and sometimes i also use my finger.
Blends seamlessly.
It does dry quick but I've never had a problem with it.

And to set this concealer I like to use MAC MSF (mineralize skinfinish natural) in light and it gives under eye highlighted effect.

Cost- 19$

It is pricey but, It will last long.✩
It’s definitely worth trying out...

Love this stuff. Its amazing amazing amazing....
I would definitely recommend it.

RECOMMENDATION: If you have really dry skin that you’re looking to use this concealer on, This may be too drying and end up just looking cakey on you. The wear of this is fantastic, and the coverage is good for light to moderate under eye circles or blemishes.  If you have really heavy under eye circles, this might not be enough coverage.  Overall, it’s worth a  try. Grab a sample before purchasing full size(if u have very dry skin)


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